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RandomizeIT Stand-Alone Random Selection Software

Random Selection Software Questions

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Random Selection Window
Random Selection Software Random Pull

RandomizeIT  Random Selection Window

To perform a random selection for drug or alcohol use, you can use our random selection software that allows you to define parameters such as sample size as a hard number or a percentage of your total population. After executing the selection, you can list individuals who meet your criteria (drug use, alcohol use, or both) and include any alternates you wish. Save the results in a formatted report for easy reading, and also export the data as a .csv file for compatibility with spreadsheet software like Excel. This approach will ensure your selection process is both systematic and easily manageable for analysis.

RandomizeIT Stand-Alone Random Selection Software Features

  • Our random selection software offers a user-friendly yet robust solution for managing drug and alcohol testing random selections, ensuring compliance with all governmental regulations. It streamlines the process with rapid imports and generates precise random selection reports, making oversight both simple and enjoyable.

  • Our random selection software is perfect for customers that desire unbiased random selection functionality. 


  • With our random drug and alcohol random selection software you can use comma separated value (csv) files as input. Spreadsheet data can easily be converted to a comma separated value files by simply saving your spreadsheet as a .csv file.   Use any spreadsheet software or any text generating software such an Microsoft Notepad to create you input files. 

  • Our random selection software Imports the first 3 values (i.e. ID, First Name, and Last Name) or the first 4 values (i.e. ID, First Name, Last Name, and Company or Consortium Name) from any candidate csv file for random selectionThe 4 value version is designed for medical clinics or hospitals which perform random selections for more than one company or a consortium. The 4 value option is available by selecting the 4 value radio button on the Import Window (the default is the 3 value import). Comma separated value (csv) files are very easy to create using any spreadsheet or text editor software. ​ See examples of 3 and 4 column csv import files here.

  • Use the Save as CSV File button to save your random selection results to a comma separated value (csv) file and import it into any spreadsheet software!

  • The RandomizeIT! software is incorporated into our Deluxe Drug and Alcohol Testing software product and provides that product with random candidate selection capabilities. And just like the Deluxe program, RandomizeIT allows alternates to be selected when performing a random pull.

  • The RandomizeIT! software will even print notification letters for each individual selected in the random selection pull, saving you valuable time and energy and ensuring accuracy.

  • The RandomizeIT! software allows you to use the last csv file that you imported to be used for the current import file, thus allowing you to go directly to the Random Selection window without requiring a new import. See the option here.

  • We build only user friendly drug and alcohol testing software which is designed and built from the ground up by professionals in the drug and alcohol testing field.

  • Both of our random drug and alcohol testing software products provide secure logon with key phrase password retrieval.​​

  • Both of our random drug and alcohol testing software products provide Help buttons with detailed assistance on all product windows.


  • Talk to a real person for support, training or guidance. When you call us you get a person, not a recording. Free software upgrades upon request and free support for one full year from date of purchase. Upgrades to extend these terms for another year are available for a nominal fee from the products purchase page. Select Purchase menu option and scroll down to Upgrade offer.

  • Both of our random drug and alcohol testing software products come with a one time cost. No license fees. Can be used without restrictions under one roof. Guaranteed with a 30 day money back policy if any of our products or services do not perform any task stated on this website.​

Give us a call if you have any questions about our Random Selection Software. You can call us at (850) 686-5522.  You will be connected with one of our product specialists, not a sales person.

RandomizeIT Screen Shots

Below are actual screen shots of the drug and alcohol random selection software program.

Drug testing software welcome window

RandomizeIT Welcome window

Random Selection Software Logon Window

RandomizeIT Logon window


Our RandomizeIT software is versatile. It can import either 3 values (Employee ID, First Name, and Last Name) or 4 values (Employee ID, First Name, Last Name, and Company Name). You determine this by using the default option (3 value) or by clicking on the 4 Value Import button shown in the picture below.


This allows you to decide whether or not you want 3 or 4 values on your subsequent  random selection report. If you want a company name on that report, choose the 4 value option. Screen shot and report examples of both are provided below. 

RandomizeIT 3 Value Screen Shots

Random Selection Import Window

Random Selection Import Window Before File Selection

Random Selection Import File Selected

Random Selection 3 Value Import File Selection

Random Selection Importing Records

Random Selection 3 Value - Importing Records Message

Random Selection File Imported

Random Selection 3 Value Chosen Import File Successfully Imported

Random Selection Window

3 Column Random Selections Made - 2 Drug, 3 Alcohol (5% of 70), 2 Drug and Alcohol, and 1 Alternates - Also, Generate Notification Letters Selected

Random Selection Report Created

Random Selection Report Generated and Notification Letters Generated

Random Report
Random Selection Report Generated

Random Selection 3 Value Random Report Saved

Random Selection Notification Letter Report

One of the Random Selection Notification Letters

RandomizeIT 4 Value Screen Shots

Random Selection Import Success

Random Selection 4 Value Chosen Import File Successfully Imported

Random Selection Window with Choices Made

Random Selection 4 Column Random Selections Made - 3 Drug, 2 Alcohol (10% of 20), 1 Drug and Alcohol, and 1 Alternates Chosen

Random Selection Report Created

4 Column Random Random Report Generated and Notification Letters not selected

random drug testing report

Random Selection  4 Value Random Report Saved

Random Selection Software Notification Letter

Random Selection  4 Value Notification Letter with Company Name Saved

Random Selection Software Reports Locator

Convenient File Locator Window - Opens File Explorere for you

Comma Separated Value (csv) Files are Easy to Create!

Examples of Comma Separated Value (CSV) Files Used for Import

Drug Testing Software CSV File

The comma separated value (.csv) files used for import are easy to create. You can create them from any spreadsheet software (simply save your spreadsheet as a .csv file) or you can use any text editor. At TATSoftApps, we are always here and we always answer our phone should you ever need assistance with any aspect of our software, including the creation of comma separated value files.  850-686-5522.

"This is so much more friendly than the other program we were utilizing. I love this program, it is working great and I must say the customer service ROCK’s as well."

Thanks again.

Andrea L.

Accounting Admin/Project Coordinator

Conductor Power, LLC  MN

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