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Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Management Software by TATSoftApps

General questions and answers 

If you have any questions not shown on this page just give us a call at 850-686-5522. We look forward to talking with you!

Drug Testing Software Main Window

Drug Testing Software Deluxe Main Window

Q - Does your drug testing software perform valid DOT random selections?

A - Yes! Our drug and alcohol testing software uses the random function in the latest database software to gather random selections. This ensures the most scientific method of random selection and also adheres to all governmental requirements for valid random selection.

Q - Does your drug testing software allow random selection by percent as well as by a hard number?

A - Yes. Our drug screening software also allows you to select your random selection candidates by either a hard number or a percent. You can also select for drug, alcohol, or both drug and alcohol.

Q - Does your drug testing software allow choosing alternate candidates when performing a random selection?

A - Yes. Pick as many alternate candidate as you wish. They will show up on the random selection report under the alternates column.

Q - Can I select random candidate for both drug and alcohol at the same time?

A - Yes! Our random testing software allows you to select for drug, alcohol, or both drug and alcohol on any give pull.

Q - Does your random drug testing software allow my company name on the random selection report?

A - Yes! Simply type your company name in the Company/person Creating Report field on the random selection window.

Q - Does your drug testing software allow choosing drug and alcohol random selections by more than one company or by a consortium of companies?

A - Yes! You can choose as many companies as you like to perform a drug and alcohol random selection pull. There is no limit. You can also perform your drug and alcohol screening random selection pull from a consortium as well! Our random testing software is the best in the business.


Q - Does your drug testing software generate random selection notification letters?

A - Yes! From the drug and alcohol random selection window simply click on the checkbox labeled “Generate Notification Letters” and a drug and alcohol testing notification letter will be generated for every individual that was chosen in the random drug and alcohol selection pull.


Q - Does your drug testing software allow creation and management of consortiums?

A - Yes! Consortiums are easily created and managed in our drug testing software from the Consortium Management window. Just drag a company name from the company name list box to the consortium name list box. You can also remove companies from a consortium in the reverse manner. Consortium management is a snap in or drug and alcohol screening software!

Q - Does your drug testing software generate the DOT Drug and Alcohol MIS Data Collection Form data?

A - Yes! The numbers and totals required for the DOT Drug and Alcohol Data Collection Form are generated for you. And you can generate the data for one or as many companies as you desire. You can also generate the numbers for a consortium as well! Our DOT MIS Data Collection module saves your company valuable time and money while also ensuring accuracy. 

Q - Does your drug testing software compute the data necessary for the required MRO (C/TPA) Clearinghouse reporting?

A - Yes! Our Manage MRO (C/TPA) Clearinghouse generation module allows you to choose one or more companies or a consortium and computes all non-negative drug and alcohol testing results. 


Q - Does your drug and alcohol testing software allow the import of data?

A - Yes! Our drug screening software allows you to import your data quickly and efficiently using comma separated value (CSV) files. The software allows you to navigate to your import file to select it for import and even displays the data so you can browse it before you import it. If there is a bad record in your import file, our drug and alcohol testing software will alert you which record has the error, allowing you to fix that record and start over. Because records are checked for validity before actually importing, no records are imported if there is an error in your import file. Thus you can simply fix the bad record(s) and restart the import process without worrying about which records were or were not imported!

Q - Does your drug and alcohol testing software provide assistance if there is a problem during the import of the data to used for random selection?

A - Yes! We provide you with the record number and the ID of the record that failed, allowing you to pinpoint and fix the problem.


Q - Does your drug and alcohol testing software provide for manual input of data?

A - Yes. Manual input of data is fully supported. And you are assisted with a test result drop down box which has every valid test result type (there are over 100 valid test result types). No need to ever type in a test result again! Also, a company name drop down box is provided to allow you to select, rather than type in, the company name!


Q - Does your drug and alcohol testing software produce executive and management reports?

A - Yes! There are many different type of reports in our deluxe drug testing software program. Company reports, employee reports, random selection reports, consortium reports, DOT MIS data collection reports, MRO Clearinghouse reports, and more. The software also produces bar chart graphs. See our Reports here.


Q - Does your drug and alcohol testing software produce graphs for visual display of data?

A - Yes! These graphs (bar charts) provide valuable drug and alcohol testing metrics. For example, total number of employees, total tests performed, total negative results, total positive results, and total neither (shy lung, cancelled results, etc.). They also provide total employee count, and number of drug and alcohol tests performed so that you can easily determine if you are testing enough to meet your quotas. You can easily create a graph for each company and even for a consortium. The graphs provide an easy and intuitive method of determining the success of your drug and alcohol testing management program. These graphs are valuable assets to management, and if your are a clinic your clients will love them. See the graphs on our Reports page.

Q - Does your drug and alcohol testing software generate company roster reports?

A - Yes! Drug and alcohol testing participating company roster reports contain the Run Date, Company Name, Employee ID, First Name, and Last Name for every individual employed at the company during the begin and end dates chosen.


Q - Does your drug and alcohol testing software generate random participation letters?

A - Yes! The random participation letter for drug and alcohol testing participating companies can be sent to your drug and alcohol testing clients to prove that they are enrolled in a random drug and alcohol testing program. You can also list the employee names on the report if you desire.


Q - Does your drug and alcohol testing software allow export of the data to a comma separated value (CSV) file?

A - Yes! We allow you to export all of your data to a comma separated value (CSV) file. This allows you to interface with other software you may have and also import your data into any spreadsheet software as well!

Q - Does your drug and alcohol testing software provide the ability to connect to the labs for test results?

A - Yes. You can create and manage connections from within the drug testing software to any external entity, including the various labs such as Quest, LabCorp, etc., from within our drug and alcohol testing software. Once you create the connection you can cut and paste values between the drug testing software and the external entity. Since there are so many methods used by the labs to interface data, our software eases the burden by this straight forward manual data transfer method.

Q - Does your drug and alcohol testing software store a history of every record entered, including the drug and alcohol test results?

A - Yes. Every record you enter into our drug and alcohol software program is kept secure and saved into the program's database. You can view this data at any time from the History window module. And you can print reports using the history data.


Q - Does your drug and alcohol testing software provide easy and intuitive database backup?

A - Yes! Our drug and alcohol testing software allows you to easily backup your data. Our database backup allows you to navigate to where you want your data backed up to. You can also name it and put a date in the name so you know when the backup was performed.  Note that you should back up your data somewhere other than the computer that the drug testing software is on. For example, an external drive or data stick.


Q - Does your drug and alcohol testing software have Help buttons?

A - Yes! Every window in our drug and alcohol testing software has a Help button with carefully crafted guidance to allow you to use the window effectively.


Q - Do you provide real customer feedback from real users of your drug and alcohol testing software?

A - Absolutely. We believe customer feedback is the best testimonial to any software products and we provide easy access to our customer feedback. 

Q - Does your drug testing software have any recurring charges or fees of any kind?

A - No! Once you purchase our drug and alcohol testing software there are never any recurring charges or fees of any kind. 

Drug Screening Software Random Selection Window
Drug screening software cost benefit analysis

If you have any questions not listed here that you would like answered, please submit below and we will get back to you the same day. Or you can simply give us a call at 850-686-5522

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