Random Selection Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Management Software by TATSoftApps
Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Management and Random Selection Software
Get our drug and alcohol testing management software today and say goodbye to recurring fees/charges forever!
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Our drug and alcohol testing software can't be matched for price, quality and service. See our latest customer list here!
Pay once. Manage Drug Testing Forever!

Random Selection Drug & Alcohol Testing Program Management Software by TATSoftApps
All names shown on screenshots are fictitious and used for demonstration purpose only

Deluxe Drug Testing Program Management Software
TATSoftApps Drug and Alcohol Testing Products & Services
1.) Deluxe Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Management Suite. Designed for both individual companies and/or clinics and medical facilities servicing multiple clients. Our deluxe software guarantees compliance with all governmental regulations while simplifying processes. Enjoy user-friendly features such as random selection management, robust compliance tools, and efficient record keeping and reporting, all accessible through a centralized dashboard.
Empower your organization or clinic to manage testing services efficiently and effectively and ensure a safer working environment for all.
2.) RandomizeIT, a versatile and user-friendly software program designed for stand-alone random selection. Ideal for organizations seeking impartial random candidate selection. Users can easily generate the detailed random selection report and notification letters as well. Simple, easy, and fun to use.

RandomizeIT - StandAlone Random Selection Software
3.) Pain Management RandomizeIT Date Selection Software
New! We now offer a pain management clinic version of our popular RandomizeIT software that randomly selects drug and/or alcohol testing dates for patients!

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4.) Random Selection Services. Let us provide you with unbiased third party drug & alcohol random candidate selections. Same day results!
As your comprehensive solution for drug and alcohol testing management, we pride ourselves on providing unmatched lifetime support and expertise to meet your needs effectively and efficiently. Our dedicated team is here to ensure you receive the highest level of service in the industry.
The best testament to any software product comes from its users.
Get the benefit of a one-time cost and free yourself from recurring charges! And free lifetime support.
If you are paying recurring charges or fees to manage your random drug and alcohol testing program you can eliminate them forever with our drug testing software. Our drug testing software has helped hundreds of clients (employers, MROs, SAPs, TPAs, hospitals, medical clinics, health departments, etc.) better manage their drug and alcohol testing management program while at the same time cutting their costs.
Drug Testing Program Management Features Slide
Our Random Drug and Alcohol Testing Software ensures that you are fully DOT compliant
As you know, managing a drug free workplace requires more than just simple random testing software, especially If you are mandated to perform drug and alcohol testing by a governmental agency.
For example, the DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing MIS Data Collection Form must be submitted yearly by March 15th. Manually computing the numbers and totals to fill out this complex form is tedious, time consuming and prone to error. With our software, you can easily compute the numbers and totals required for this complex form, saving you time and money and ensuring accuracy.
You must also submit non-negative test results to the DOT Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Clearinghouse. Our drug testing program management software allows easy creation of the Clearinghouse report.
Of course, your method of obtaining random candidates for testing must be an approved method for executing random selections. Our random selection process uses the random function of the sql database, ensuring compliancy with all governmental agencies. Our software has you covered on all fronts.
Our drug testing program management software suite will enable you to easily manage these and other requirements necessary to control your drug and alcohol testing program. Get or stay in compliance with all DOT and governmental agencies with ease. Our reports and graphs will enable you to know at any given time exactly where you stand in managing your compliance.
And with our drug and alcohol testing program management software, there are never any recurring charges or fees. We can keep you compliant while saving you money. Say goodbye to periodic fees. See our pledge to every customer.
Click below to get answers to your questions about our drug testing software products!
Two Drug and Alcohol Testing Software Programs and Random Selection Services
We offer three drug and alcohol testing program management software products. Our deluxe drug and alcohol testing software product provides complete drug and alcohol testing management. Our RandomizeIT random selection software product provides scientific random selection. Our RandomizeIT for pain management clinics specializes in the random selection of testing dates. See our software comparison here. We also offer random selection services where we provide your random selections for you. A short description of each product and service is provided below.

Drug and Alcohol Testing Management Software - One time cost
Our best selling and award winning random drug and alcohol testing software.
Built for implementing and managing your employee drug and alcohol testing program in-house or for clinics performing this function for an unlimited number of client companies!
✅ Our drug testing software is fully featured, robust, flexible, and secure.
✅ Our drug testing software is user friendly and easy to use.
✅ Our drug testing software is fully DOT or non-DOT compliant.
✅ Our drug testing software has no limits on number of employees, companies, or consortiums.
✅ Our drug testing software uses scientifically valid and fast random candidate selection that meets all governmental requirements. See those requirements here.
✅ Our drug testing software allows random selection for just one company, an unlimited number of companies, or a consortium. Select by hard number or percent. Also select alternates if desired.
✅ Our drug testing software creates employee notification letters when generating random selection reports if desired.
✅ Our drug testing software allows for easy consortium creation and management.
✅ Fast data import with ability to see the data to be imported beforehand. Also supports manual input with drop down boxes for company name and test results.
✅ FMCSA MRO Clearinghouse report generation. Choose as many companies as you want or choose a consortium for the report.

Random Selection Window - 5 drug, 2 alcohol (5%of 52), 2 drug and alcohol and 1 alternate chosen. Notification letters also generated in this random selection pull

Manage Consortium Window - Creating consortiums is easy!
✅ Our drug testing software stores the history of every record entered or altered.
✅ Our drug testing software provides company and consortium graphs with program management information.
✅ Our drug testing software has 18 comprehensive reports available to manage your program. Management and/or customers love them!
✅ DOT MIS Data Collection Report data generated and numbers are totaled for you automatically, saving you time and money while ensuring accuracy.
✅ Our drug testing software gives you the ability to create and maintain external lab connections to easily cut and paste values between labs and the drug testing software.
✅ Effortlessly generate random participation letters and company roster reports.
✅ Our drug testing software allows for easy database backup.
✅ See a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) for the Deluxe Drug Testing Software
✅ You can watch a demo of our drug testing software to see exactly how our drug testing software works here.
✅ Secure logon with key phrase password retrieval. Easy to learn and fun to use!
✅ Talk to a real person if you need assistance. We answer our phone.
✅ See the buttons below for more including screen shots. Also see our YouTube Demo video here.

RandomizeIT Random Selection Software - One time cost
Our stand-alone RandomizeIT random selection software is perfect for those seeking only random selection functionality. No limits on the number of import records. Provides scientifically valid and defensible random selections and is perfect for that single purpose. RandomizeIT uses the same professional random selection methodology that the Deluxe Drug and Alcohol Testing product uses. This software is so fun and easy to use that you will love it!
✅ Our stand-alone random selection software product enables you to select your random candidates by either a percentage or a hard number.
✅ Our random selection software allows selection for both drug and alcohol in same pull if desired.
✅ Our random selection software supports selection of an unlimited number of alternate candidates.
✅ Our random selection software provides scientifically valid selection and meets all governmental criteria for valid and defensible random selections.

RandomizeIT Random Selection Software
✅ Our random selection software is perfect for customers that desire unbiased and scientifically sound random selection functionality for use with random drug and alcohol testing programs.
✅ Scientifically valid and defensible random selections in a fun to use program.
✅ RandomizeIT! utilizes a high-quality pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) that meets all criteria of governmental agencies for valid random selections.
✅ Secure logon with key phrase password retrieval. Easy to learn and use.
✅ Talk to a real person if you need support. we always answer our phone.
✅ See the buttons below for more including screen shots. Also see our Youtube Demo videos here.
Newest Product - RandomizeIT version For Pain Management Clinics
We also have a RandomizeIT built specifically For Pain Management Clinics which allows you to enter an individual's name and then select from an input file of dates. You can still select for drug, alcohol, or drug and alcohol but instead of selecting random names the software selects random dates. You can see a video of that software on our Youtube channel here.

Random Selection Service - Cost determined by pool size
We can serve as a third party entity to perform your drug and alcohol testing random selections for you, relieving you of that task while assuring your employees of no selection bias.
✅ Let our random selection service ease your workload by administering your random selection service for you!
✅ Our random selection service eliminates any question of bias in the selection process.
✅ Our random selection service provides results in one business day if client provides a valid comma separated file with ID, first name, and last name as the first 3 fields. Or you can add a company name as well. ID, first name, last name, and company name if you desire company name on the random selection report.
✅ Our random selection service methodology meets all private and governmental criteria for valid and defensible random selection.
✅ Separate yourself from the random selection of your employees. TATSoftApps' Random Selection Service gives employers peace of mind that they are complying with Federal and Industry mandated standards for drug and alcohol testing programs.
✅ Let our random selection service take the hassle out of your random selection requirements.
✅ Our random selection service can also be used for any non drug and alcohol random selections as well. And the reports produced are custom tailored to the subject of the random selection performed!
✅ See buttons below for more about our random selection service.
Our drug and alcohol screening software is fully DOT compliant
Our drug testing software and our random selection service both adhere fully to all governmental agency requirements for valid, legitimate and defensible random selections. We use a proven computer methodology for random selections. You can learn more about our random selection software process here.

Drug Testing Management Software Main Window
Our drug screening software has no limits on number of employees, companies or consortiums
Our Deluxe Version drug testing software is built for both a single company managing their own testing program or a clinic managing an unlimited number of individuals, companies and consortiums. And our drug testing software is user friendly, fun and intuitive to use.
See how quick and easy it is to get up and running with our random drug testing software today. Get and stay DOT compliant. We provide you with all of the necessary tools for effective and efficient management of your drug and alcohol testing program.
Drug Testing Management Software Bar Chart Graphs

Company - Tests Performed by Types

Company - Tests Performed by Results

Consortium - Tests Performed by Types

Consortium - Tests Performed by Results
Our company and consortium test result bar graphs offer an efficient overview of testing metrics by juxtaposing total employees against tests administered, while also showcasing outcome results for quick reference. MROs and managers can leverage these visual tools to effectively oversee their drug and alcohol program, ensuring compliance with mandated quotas. Furthermore, these graphs are user-friendly, allowing for seamless printing, saving, and sharing with management or clients as needed.

Help buttons are provided on all user screens offering detailed guidance on the operation and use of each window.

Drug Testing Management Software - Random Selection Window

Consortium management window - easy consortium management

MRO C/TPA Clearinghouse Management Report Generation Window

Data Metrics Window for either a Company or a Consortium
Drug Testing Deluxe Program Modules

Deluxe Random Drug Testing Software Attributes

Random drug testing software with scientifically valid and defensible random selections that meet all criteria mandated by governmental agencies for drug and alcohol random selection software, including DOT. See DOT wording on random selection criteria here.
With our random drug testing software you can easily create and manage consortiums with no limits on number of consortiums or number of companies! If you don't use consortiums, no problem, just use the company name drop down box.
Random selections can be made for either drug, alcohol, or both drug and alcohol from the same pull. Random selections can also include alternate candidates in all cases.
Random selection notification letters generated for all individuals chosen in a random pull if desired.
With our random drug testing software there is no limit on number of employees, companies or consortiums you can manage.
Our random drug and alcohol selection methodology is fully compliant with all Governmental agencies.
Our DOT Drug & Alcohol MIS Data Collection Form window automatically computes and displays the results in the same format as the DOT form. Compute for a single company, multiple companies, or a consortium. Save hours and ensure accuracy with this feature!
DOT MIS Data Collection Form values automatically generated, as shown in the windows below.

DOT MIS Data Collection Form - Drug Data for Companies

DOT MIS Data Collection Form - Alcohol Data for Companies
Our random drug testing software allows for electronic data import, manual data input or both.
Our drug testing software provides the ability to create and maintain external lab connections from within the drug testing software application.
With our drug testing software you can generate company random selection participation letter which can include employee list as well.
Our drug testing software comes with complete company and employee reporting.
Our drug testing software's company and consortium test result bar graphs show valuable data metrics that management and/or clients love.
Our drug testing software includes MRO Clearinghouse Management and Report window
Our drug testing software is built for individual companies and/or medical clinics.
Our drug testing software is pre-loaded with every DOT test result type. Simply select test result from drop down box. Never type one in again!
Our drug testing software is fully featured yet easy and intuitive to use.
Our drug testing software stores the history of every test result by company and employee.
Our drug testing software provides for personalized user login with key phrase password retrieval.
Our drug testing software was built from the ground up by professionals in the drug testing industry.
Every window in our drug testing software has a Help button to assist the user by describing how to use the window.
Our drug testing software is fun and easy to use! See what our drug testing software customers say.
See our drug testing software guarantee.
Our drug testing software is easy to purchase and download - see how to easily download our drug testing software here.

Real Customers - Real Reviews!
About Us
TATSoftApps, LLC is located on the Gulf Coast of Florida in Navarre (about 20 miles East of Pensacola, Florida).
We are the trusted name in random drug testing software both locally and nationally.
All of our drug and alcohol testing software is built from the ground up in consultation with drug testing industry professionals.
Our drug testing software has helped hundreds of clients (employers, MROs, SAPs, hospitals, medical clinics, health departments, etc.) better manage their drug and alcohol testing management program while at the same time cutting their costs.

Our drug and alcohol testing software comes with a full 30 day money back guarantee. If our products and services do not do what we say they do, we will refund your purchase price in full. Purchase with confidence.
We offer a deluxe drug and alcohol testing software system, we also offer a random selection software system, and finally, we offer random selection services.
TATSoftApps also offers our latest product, Employee Violation Tracker (EVT). You can even receive a discount on EVT with the purchase of our Deluxe drug and alcohol testing software! See more on EVT here.

TATSoftApps Software is protected by copyright
TATSoftApps LLC is an active business member in the State of Florida under the name TATSoftApps LLC, and is certified by the State of Florida here.
Our drug testing software will provide you with the ability to operate more efficiently and with lower labor costs.
With our drug testing software you can get your random selections by company, more than one company, or a consortium.
Our drug and alcohol testing software provides scientifically sound random candidate selection. We use a high-quality pseudo-random number generator (PRNG). You can create a random drug candidate selection list based upon a hard number or a percentage of your candidate pool.
Our drug and alcohol testing software provides the ability to easily create and maintain external connections to labs or any other external entity or organization.
With our drug and alcohol testing software you can easily get or stay in compliance with all DOT agencies including the FAA, FTA, FMCSA, RSPA, USCG, etc. Every type of drug and alcohol testing is supported. The U.S. Department of Transportation Drug and Alcohol Testing MIS Data Collection Form mandated by the DOT is stored, displayable, and printable.
Why TATSoftApps

We realize that there are many drug and alcohol testing software systems you can choose from. We have examined all of them, and we believe our software is the best for price, quality, and service.
Our drug and alcohol testing software was designed from the ground up to be user friendly and intuitive. Every aspect of our drug testing software was designed with input from professionals in the drug testing management software system industry.
You will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you will be up and running with our drug and alcohol testing software.
We guarantee all of our drug and alcohol testing software and services with a full month money back guarantee. If our software or services do not do what we say they do, your money will be refunded. Purchase with confidence.

Studies show that data entry is one of the most expensive costs associated with running a business. Our drug and alcohol testing software uses drop down boxes to enable selection of input instead of typing of input wherever possible. For example, there are over 100 possible DOT drug testing result values. Each of these possible values are pre-populated in our drug and alcohol testing software in a convenient drop down box. Never type one in again!
Our drug and alcohol testing software provides pre-formatted data fields. Screen layouts are displayed in a manner that is easy and intuitive to understand and interact with.
Our drug and alcohol testing software has your reports covered. Employee reports, company reports, drug testing result reports, even the data for the US Department of Transportation Drug and Alcohol Testing Data Collection Form is available in our drug and alcohol testing software program. All reports are formatted and saved to your hard drive.
Our support is simply the best. We are here. We answer the phone (850-686-5522). And we will always provide you with any assistance necessary.